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Heath Wills Cattle 

Heath and Courtney Wills run a SimAngus influenced cowherd on the edge of the sandhills of Alliance, NE along with a commercial feed yard and several acres of hay and crop ground.  The Wills' utilize AI, embryo transfer, and purchase high end Powerline bulls to run on their cows. They have been active multipliers of the program for 20 years.  Heath and Courtney raise bulls that are consistent, functional, and can thrive in a variety of environments.  They have spent the past couple of years reinvesting in their cow herd to generate bull making mamas that possess genotype as well as phenotype.  
They have four daughters Rozlyn, Railey, Lexey and Laney, who keep them busy with local activities and Box Butte County 4-H events. Rozlyn exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion steer at the 2024 Box Butte Co Fair.   

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