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“We have been purchasing Powerline Genetics for over 10 years, and we keep coming back. PLG bulls are mild mannered and easy to handle both horseback and on the ground. They throw calves that gain! We are pleased with the calves from the moment they hit the ground to the moment they step on the truck and once they hit the bunk...they never look back.

Guy & Will Payne, Broken Bar Cattle Co.

"Our yearling bulls don't get pampered. They have come through the first winer in good shape and have had excellent fertility checks...I like the way the numbers are presented in the catalog so I can sort bulls with the traits I am looking for." 

Rod Quanz

"We have used Powerline bulls almost as long as JD has been in the business. They calve easy and do a great job growing."

Brent Smith, David Smith Ranches

"When we buy bulls we look at birthweight, weaning weight, feet and fertility. We keep our own replacements so the bulls we select have a lasting impact on our herd. Our cows run at 10,000 feet. Their advantages through hybrid vigor make them adaptable, all the while raising calves that grow and perform in tough environments."

Rod Magnuson, Magnuson Livestock

"We have found Powerline's Simmental cross bulls have enhanced our feed efficiency, quality, and overall power/marketability of our calves. In addition to the bulls and genetics, the Powerline team's commitment in assisting in all areas from bull selection to marketing decisions are a valued resource. They truly commit from "pasture to plate." We trust the Powerline program."

Heath Bortner

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